In article <33B16172.55FD at>,
Umnarj Paeratakul <umnarj at> wrote:
>Dear friends,
>>Long time ago, I concentrate protein in dilute solution by
>putting it in a dialysis bag (with very small holes),
>sprinkle AQUACIDE over the bag, and leave it overnight
>at 4 degrees. Next morning, aquacide
>will suck up all the water from the dialysis bag and
>leave the concentrated protein in there.
>>My problem is now I cannot remember what company make
>AQUACIDE, or if you know a similar product, I
>would appreciate your help. Please reply by
>e-mail umnarj at
I've used it in the past and if I recall correctly, it was sold
by Fluka. However, it's not necessary to look that hard for it
because it's just a cheap grade of polyethylene glycol (as opposed
to the small batch nucleic acid grade). Most labs have the stuff
lying around so you're probably set. I still use it because it's
cheaper than Centricon or similar systems and more importantly,
I tend to lose less protein to the dialysis tubing/PEG procedure.