JAK-STAT Pathways

Horst Ibelgaufts Ibelgauf at lmb.uni-muenchen.de
Tue Mar 4 02:53:01 EST 1997

In article <01bc1edb$2262c260$6a0e0792 at summer>, "James"
<jwe911s at nic.smsu.edu> wrote:

* I'm looking for some good citation suggestions on the Janus family of
* tyrosine kinases and signal-transducing transcriptional activators (STAT). 
* Much appreciated.
* James Ellis
* Biology Grad student
* Southwest Missouri State University

Signal Transduction, edited by CH Heldin and M Purton
Chapman and Hall1996
ISBN 0 412 70810 8



                                                   H IBELGAUFTS
                                     Ultra posse nemo obligatur

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