Hi, I have some questions on CD4 cell depletion in mouse.I inject GK1.5
ascite 0.5ml i.p. on D0, D2 and D4, and then look at spleen cells for CD4
depletion on D6. There were no CD3+CD4+ cells, but the number of CD3+CD4-
cells did not equal that of CD3+CD8+ cells, i.e. percent CD3+CD4- cells equal
the sum of CD3+CD8+ and CD3+CD8- cells. When I use the same method to
deplete CD8 cells by 2.43 ascite, I got no CD8+ cells and the number of
CD3+CD8- cells equal that of CD3+CD4+, so CD8 cells are successfully
depleted. My question is : do you think I got CD4 depletion in my experiment?
hon-man lee