Th2 antigens

milen milen at Sun.medun.acad.bg
Wed Mar 12 10:07:53 EST 1997

In article <33252786.5723 at mpiib-berlin.mpg.de>, Jacob at mpiib-berlin.mpg.de wrote:

> I am looking for a positive control antigen that induces Th2 cytokines
> in human PBMC cultures. I heard that shistosoma egg antigen might be
> useful. Who knows which other antigens could be used and where to get
> them from?
Are there any direct evidences that such antigens exist at all? 

Milen Vassilev MD
Clinic of Gastroenterology
Univ. Hosp. "St Ivan Rilskii"
15, D.Nestorov str.,
Sofia -1431
phone : ++359 2 590060
fax   : ++359 2 592006
fax   : ++359 2 591043
e-mail: milen at sun@medun.acad.bg(office)
        mvasilev at sf.cit.bg(private)

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