which cell is responcible for DTH initiation the CTL or the APC?

milen milen at Sun.medun.acad.bg
Thu Mar 13 14:50:10 EST 1997

Greetings All:

I was wondering which cell type is 
responsible for the initiation of 
DTH reaction in the skin - the CTL's or the APC's.

I mean if you would like to test which self antigens 
cause liver disease can you do this by applying the
antigen in/on the skin and look for DTH?

Milen Vassilev MD
Clinic of Gastroenterology
Univ. Hosp. "St Ivan Rilskii"
15, D.Nestorov str.,
Sofia -1431
phone : ++359 2 590060
fax   : ++359 2 592006
fax   : ++359 2 591043
e-mail: milen at sun@medun.acad.bg(office)
        mvasilev at sf.cit.bg(private)

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