Emery Bailey <Kitt at prodigy.net> wrote:
The following I extracted from the Wall Street Journal, May 1, 1996.
It's pretty interesting, especially if you agree with Duesberg.
"Research continued to show that AIDS among heterosexuals had largely
settled into an inner-city nexus, a world bounded by poverty and poor
health care and beset by RAPANT DRUG USE. AIDS was also on the rise
some poor rural communities."
Also, we here all this talk about "women are the fastest increasing
group." The Wall Street Journal exposed this drug-free heterosexual
myth. The rising female risk group is instead, "a group that a CDC
researcher would later define as 'generally young, minority, indigent
women who use crack, cocaine, have multiple sex partners, trade sex
crack or other drugs for money." Why when ever there is AIDS (true
AIDS, not "AIDS by presciption" AIDS), there's drugs, or people from a
risk group that have health problems in the first place (hemophiliacs
and transfusion recipients).
James Howard responds:
I have posted my hypothesis a number of times here that vulnerability
to HIV is increased by a high testosterone to DHEA ratio and that drug
use reduces DHEA. It is the low DHEA that is the critical component,
that increases vulnerability to HIV infection; testosterone reduces
one's overall available DHEA and drug use does the same thing. In my
theory of human evolution at my web page
(http://www.naples.net/~nfn03605), I also suggest that areas of
poverty are areas of increased testosterone. Now, with that in mind,
my theory of AIDS explains the findings in the post above. March 04,
I posted "An Explanation of the Decline in AIDS Deaths," that explains
why women are increasing in deaths due to AIDS, while deaths due to
AIDS has declined in men. The report, above, simply adds more support
(the drugs and promiscuous sex in minority women) to my theory of