Can TMB(3, 3´ ,5, 5´-tetrametylbenzidine ) be used in immunohistochemistry?

Anna Johansson anna.johansson at wblab.lu.se
Thu Mar 20 09:57:32 EST 1997

 Can TMB (3,3=B4,5,5=B4-tetrametylbenzidine), be used in immunohistochemistr=

I have tried to stain with tmb, but with no success. The colour seems to
disappear after the last wash in water, or during air-drying, or when the
section comes in contact with the mounting media (mountex).
I get really nice stainings, but the colour seems to be very unstable. Is
it possible to make it more stable somehow??

Please, send me an e-mail if you know something about TMB and


Anna.Johansson at wblab.lu.se

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