5HT & Inflamation

Teresa Binstock binstoct at essex.UCHSC.edu
Sun Mar 30 05:45:28 EST 1997

This article may have a peachy keen reference trail.

Heyes MP.  Achim CL.  Wiley CA.  Major EO.  Saito K.  Markey SP.
    Biochem J  320(Part 2):595-597 1996
  Immune activation leads to accumulations of the neurotoxin and kynurenine
  pathway metabolite quinolinic acid within the central nervous system of
  human patients. Whereas macrophages can convert L-tryptophan to quinolinic
  acid, it is not known whether human brain microglia can synthesize
  quinolinic acid. Human microglia, peripheral blood macrophages and
  cultures of human fetal brain cells (astrocytes and neurons) were
  incubated with [C-13(6)]L-tryptophan in the absence or presence of
  interferon gamma. [C-13(6)]Quinolinic acid was identified and quantified
  by gas chromatography and electron-capture negative-chemical ionization
  mass spectrometry. Both L-kynurenine and [C-13(6)]quinolinic acid were
  produced by unstimulated cultures of microglia and macrophages. Interferon
  gamma, an inducer of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase, increased the
  accumulation of L-kynurenine by all three cell types (to more than 40 mu
  M). Whereas large quantities of [C-13(6)]quinolinic acid were produced by
  microglia and macrophages (to 438 and 1410 nM respectively), minute
  quantities of [C-13(6)]quinolinic acid were produced in human fetal brain
  cultures (not more than 2 nM). Activated microglia and macrophage
  infiltrates into the brain might be an important source of accelerated
  conversion of L-tryptophan into quinolinic acid within the central nervous
  system in inflammatory diseases...


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