For colleagues from PRC

sld95 at SKYNET.BE sld95 at SKYNET.BE
Sun Nov 9 05:14:32 EST 1997

Dear Colleagues from PRC,

I am looking for the addresses (and if possible fax or e-mail) of

Beijing Four Ring Bioengineering Products Factory
Chengdu Institute Organic Chemistry
Shaanxi Normal University Xian
Norman Bethune Univ Med Sci Changchun
Shanghai Centre Clinical Laboratory

Thanks in advance,

P. Grognet
sld95 at skynet.be

     _/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/_/_/    IBB
      _/     _/   _/  _/   _/    2 Avenue du Barbeau
     _/     _/_/_/   _/_/_/      B-1160 Brussels  Belgium
    _/     _/   _/  _/   _/      Fax : ++ 32 (0) 520.32.82
 _/_/_/   _/_/_/   _/_/_/        E-mail : ibb at technologist.com
                                 VAT : BE 425.549.589
                                 RCB : 458.595

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