In message <2A2AD7F5E19 at> - CDong at PRL.PULMONARY.UBC.CA ("Chunming Dong") writes:
:>:>Hello there:
:>:>I am reviewing a grant. The investigator proposed to use
:>immunofluorescence (IF) staining on paraffin-embedded tissue sections.
:>Hematoxylin counterstaining will be used to view the nuclei. I just
:>wonder whether IF can be used on paraffin sections or not and whether
:>fluorescence microscope will be able able to see the nuclei
:>counterstained by hematoxylin or not. Any opinions will highly
This works beautifully. It requires that the primary antibodies to detect the antigen are selected
for paraffin sections. You may combine this technique with a variety of other detection methods on
tissue sections. All you need is a person dedicated to sophisticated experiments
All the best
Bernhard Kleine
(bernhard.kleine at