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Message-ID: <3469D36D.B844251C at>
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 11:03:58 -0500
From: lugis hughes <lugis at>
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.03 [en] (Win95; I)
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To: chrisja at
CC: "lugis at" <lugis at>
Subject: immune mediated hematologic disorder
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I am seeking information on this disease. I have a cocker spaniel
diagnose with this decease 6 months ago..She is five years old. We have
been dropping back her meds for about three months. She is on 25 mg
imuran once a week, also prednisone 7.5mg 3 times a week. she weighs
42lbs.... we think that we can not go any lower then this...the blood
test are done every three weeks...she may be showing signs of red blood
cells breaking down again...we expect to go back to 10mg prednisone
again.... what is the prognosis for being on the prednisone this high
permantly..also do you have any other ideas about this disease and
reducing meds or other meds that could be used that would product better
results or are safer and less damaging to the dog... should we have
taken longer to reduce her meds Thank you very much......lois
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
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<I>I am seeking information on this disease. I have a cocker spaniel
diagnose with this decease 6 months ago..She is five years old. We
have been dropping back her meds for about three months. She is on
25 mg imuran once a week, also prednisone 7.5mg 3 times a week. she
weighs 42lbs.... we think that we can not go any lower then this...the
blood test are done every three weeks...she may be showing signs of red
blood cells breaking down again...we expect to go back to 10mg prednisone
again.... what is the prognosis for being on the prednisone this high permantly..also
do you have any other ideas about this disease and reducing meds or other
meds that could be used that would product better results or are safer
and less damaging to the dog... should we have taken longer to reduce
her meds Thank you very much......lois</I></HTML>