I need a diagnosis

Administrador de iihema.fmed.uba.ar postmast at iihema.fmed.uba.ar
Sun Nov 16 16:41:58 EST 1997

> > I have been trying to figure out what a preson has got for a project. 
> > All I have been given is incrediably genral information.  
> > 1.  Patient has the condition three months ago, and is currently having
> > a relapse.  
> > 2.  Patient is currently on bedrest.  
> > 3.  Patient took a narcotic last time she had the condition.  
> > 
> > This was all I was given.  I am to try to come up with a theory on the
> > condition.  Any help would be appreciated.
> > 
> > Many thanks,
> > Kiker

Whatever happened with this?  Did you ever get an answer from your teacher?

Facundo Garcia Bournissen.
postmast at iihema.fmed.uba.ar

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