Jo- Antibodies

Bart Frank frank at omrf.ouhsc.edu
Mon Jan 5 12:06:00 EST 1998

In article <01bd1957$d86097a0$20ed9ac1 at roman>, doro.hirnschrodt at vpn.at 
>I seek any information for Jo- Antibodies. 
>Thank you.
>Roman Hirnschrodt
>E-mail: doro.hirnschrodt at vpn.at

Anti-Jo-1 antibodies are those that bind to the enzyme
histidyl-tRNA synthetase.  They occur in about one
quarter of patients with polymyositis or dermatomyositis.
There presence is associated with "antisynthetase
syndrome". A recent review in Current Opinion in 
Rheumatology by Targeoff, et al (9:527-535, 1997)
should introduce you to the subject and provide
additional references for you.

Good luck,
Bart Frank, Ph.D.
Arthritis and Immunology Program
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation

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