Looking for e-mail address of ......

sunkei sunkei at pub.xa-online.sn.cn
Tue Jan 6 10:13:58 EST 1998

Hi netters:
	Is there anyone could help me with the E-mail address of one of the
following authors in DNAX Research Institute of Molecular and Cellular
Biology, Department of Human Immunology, Palo Alto, California 94304-1104,
	Shibuya-A; Campbell-D; Hannum-C; Yssel-H; Franz-Bacon-K; McClanahan-T;
Kitamura-T; Nicholl-J; Sutherland-GR; Lanier-LL; Phillips-JH:

Thank you in advance.

Sun Kai, Ph.D.
Department of Immunology
The Fourth Military Medical University
Xi'an, 710032
PR China

e-mail: sunkei at pub.xa-online.sn.cn

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