T-cell receptor

Dom Spinella dspinella at chugaibio.com
Thu Jan 8 18:10:27 EST 1998

> I wondered if the T-cell receptor was part of the immunoglobulin
> superfamily or if it was just Ig-like as many textbooks suggest. 
> Given that its structure is very similar to antibody Fab regions and
> that its genes rearrange in practically the same way as those of
> antibodies, if it isn't actually an immunoglobulin to what family does
> it belong to?
> Thanks
> Fred

Rest assured -- the TCR is indeed a member in good standing of the Ig
superfamily (and undoubdtedly the most closely related member of any
non-immunoglobulin gene) -- even to the point of retaining similar
rearrangement signals at the flanks of the individual gene segments.
Cheers -- Dom Spinella

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