I am currently postdoc at Division Biology, California Institute of Technology.
My highlights:
-extensive background in immunology+good knowledge of molecular biological
-handling of small animals (mice,rats,rabbits)-i/v injections, small surgery,
retroorbital bleeding; experience with different pathogens, radioactivity;
-computer literacy+various graphical (DeltaGraph, CricketGraph,SigmaPlot,
Harvard Graphics etc.), statistical and molbiological programms (DNA-Strider,
Amplify, Plasmid Artist etc); extensive user of scientific databases on
-some supervising experience;
-visa status: working permit for USA; green-card approved (October 1997)
I am looking for challenging position in academy/industry; ready to relocate.
Please contact with me by e-mail: nbartene at cco.caltech.edu
fax: (626) 440-9821
phone: (626)446-4524
Thank you for consideration,
Natalie Barteneva
Division of Biology,
California Institute of Technology
Lab Rat
labrat at cco.caltech.edu