nonspecific Elisa

David Verhoeven ez052183 at mailbox.ucdavis.edu
Fri Jan 9 13:18:58 EST 1998

I was wondering whether anyone has had problems with nonspecific binding
of newborn primate antibodies.  I use Immulon II plates with a
baclovirus antigen and then blocked with 3%NonFat Dry Milk/PBS/.05%x-100.
For some reason I still get nonspecific binding even at 1:100 dilution of
these known seronegative animals.  They no longer bind nonspecificly at 2
weeks post innoculation.  Could it be something in the plasma like IgM or
some protein. The second antibody is anti-IgG primate and so I doubt it is
IgM.  If you have any suggestions as to what might be the cause, please
let me know.

D. Verhoeven

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