Th1/2 & Ig in humans

Lutz Jacob Jacob at mpiib-berlin.mpg.de
Mon Jan 12 05:17:04 EST 1998

Does anybody know whether or not in humans a similar phenomenon as in
the mouse regarding Th1/Th2 reponses and Ig subtype release exists (Th1
=IgG2a, Th2 = IgG1)? Are there subclasses different from IgE which
correlate with Th1/Th2 responses in humans?

*   Lutz Jacob, Ph.D.                           *
*   Max Planck Institut fuer Infektionsbiologie *
*   Abteilung Molekulare Biologie               *
*   Monbijoustr. 2                              *
*   D-10117 Berlin                              *
*   Germany                                     *
*   Phone:  +49-30/2802-6187,(-6384)            *
*   Fax:    +49-30/2802-6611                    *
*   E-Mail: Jacob at mpiib-berlin.mpg.de           *

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