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Jan 14, 1998
Looking for a position-molecular immunology/tumor immunology
Name: Li Zhang
Title: Lecturer and Research Associate,
Degrees: Ph.D., M.D., B.S
Expertise: research
Field: immunology, molecular biology, microbiology
NAME: Li Zhang
Department of Immunology,
The First Military Medical University,
GuangZhou, 510515 P.R.China
Tel: 0086-020-87799130
Fax: 0086-020-87705671
E-mail:immun at fimmu.edu.cn
Sex: Male.
Nationality: Chinese
Health: Excellent
Hard Working: creativity; cooperative with drive and self-motivation;
and dedicated to learn and develop new skills.
Hobbies: A good basketball, table tennis player and Computer Programs
Fluently in English and Chinese with demonstrated good verbal=20
and written communication skills.
1996 SUN YAT-SEN University of Medical Sciences, GuangZhou, China.
Degree: Ph.D. Major: molecular immunology
1992 GuangDong Medical University, ZhanJiang,China.
Degree: M.D. Major: Medical Sciences.
1989 GuangZhou South Normal University, GuangZhou, China.
Degree: B.S. Major: Biology.
1979 School of Clinical Laboratory Technology, The first Military Medical
University, GuangZhou, China.
Major: Clinical Laboratory Technology.
Lecturer and Research Associate(1992-present), Department of immunology, The=
Military Medical University, GuangZhou, China.
1. Research Associate, Department of Immunology, The First Military Medical=
GuangZhou, P.R.China, 1997-Present=20
Studying the project regarding the expression of MAGE-1-epitope-HAL-A1=
fusion proteins.
A DNA construct in which a cDNA fragment encoding the melanoma epitope=
MAGE-1 was
inserted between sequences encoding the leader and the HLA-A1 protein.=
recombinant plasmids by restriction enzyme analysis, Southern blot, PCR and=
transformed E. Coli strain BL21 and tumor cell line with correct MAGE=
vector to express the recombinant proteins; extracted and purified these=
proteins by gel
filtration and column chromatography, tested the recombinant protein=
antigenicity by
ELISA and immunogenicity by animal experiment. Studying MAGE-1 recognition=
specific CTL and cancer immunotherapy in clinic protocol.
2. Research Associate, Department of Pathophysiology, SUN YAT-SEN University=
Medical Sciences, GuangZhou,China, 8/1994-12/96
The these study focuses on the investigation of the function and mechanism=
of genetically
modified tumor cells with antisense insulin-like growth factor-I (antisense=
IGF-I) as tumor
vaccines to stimulate and induce immune response. The approach/methods:=
transiently or
permanently transfect tumor cells by lipofectin, select and screen clone s=
by limited=20
dilution and drug select, analysis of RNA and DNA[molecular hybridization:=
Northern and
Southern], the expression of MHC antigens(class I and class II) confirmed by=
cytometry FACS, determining CEA and AFP levels of human hepatocellular=
carcinoma cells
after gene transfer by radioimmunoassay(RIA), analyze LAK cell mediated=
cytotoxicity by
51-Chrome release assay. In vivo animal study, immunize mice with the tumor=
and gene therapy with antisense IGF-I plasmid in established-tumor mice for=
the measurement=20
of animal survival.
3. Research Associate, Department of Immunology, The First Military Medical=
GuangZhou, P.R.China, 8/1992-9/1993
The research of T cell vaccination against allotransplation reaction.=
Established the heart
transplation model at ear in mice for host-versus-graft reaction, T cell=
vaccination was made
from the spleen cells of BALB/C (H-2d) mice, which were induced by Con A or=
McAb were challenged with the allologous specific antigens [C57BL/6(H-2b)]=
spleen cells.
Analyzed that the phenotype(CD4+and CD8+) of T cell vaccination using flow=
(FACS440). The heart survival at ear were measured by electrocardiograph.
4. Assistant Researcher, Department of Pathophysiology, GuangDong Medical=
ZhanJiang, China, 9/1989-7/92
Involved in studying tumor immunology as related to the pathogenesis of=
infectious diseases=20
(EB virus related nasopharyngeal carcinoma, NPC). Extracted EBV by larger=
scale culture
of B95-8 and Raji cells; EBV induce the transformation of PBMC; studying the=
growth of
CNE-2Z and RAJI cells in presence of cytokines (rhIFN and rhIL-2). Using the=
of MTT, ELISA for the measurement of cytokines (including TNF, IFN and IL-2)=
from NPC
5.Assistant Researcher, Department of Immunology, The First Military Medical=
GuangZhou, P.R.China, 8/1980-9/88
* Highly skilled in all aspects of microbiology(include: culture,=
inoculation and biochemistry=20
analysis of bacterium and virus), with special emphasis on immunology=
(include: general
technology about cellular and humoral immunology, cell culture, ELISA,
immunolfluorescence, monoclonal antibody, immunocytochemistry =20
* Extensively engaged in the research of tumor immunology, set up the tumor=
model of animal, extract the surface antigen of tumor cell, measurement of=
tumor metastasis
* Participated in the research of antigen combining cell bring Ehrilich=
ascites carcinoma host=20
and human tumor therapy by using LAK cell and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes=
in clinic protocol
* Studying acupuncture on the effect of spontaneous lung metastasis from=
Uterine cervix cancer
U14 in mice
The member of Chinese for Immunology
The member of Guangdong province for Immunology
1.molecular Immunology(specifically tumor Immnuology) and Microbiology
2.Molecular Biology
Immunology -graduate and postgraduate course from 1989 to present, The First=
Medical University,
1. Science and Technique Advance Prize of Guangdong Province for the=
of EBV induced specific T cell in NPC patients in 1997
2. Science and Technique Advance Prize of PLA for the research of cytokines
in NPC patients in 1995 =20
1.Zhang, L. ShuNong, L.CEA and AFP secretion of human hepatoma cells
transfeted by antisense IGF-I gene.
Chinese J Clinical Oncology 1997;24(6):411
2.Zhang, L. ShuNong, L. Insulin-like growth factor-I. Foreign Medical=
Sciences of Physiology and Pathology and Clinical 1997;17(2):174
3.Zhang, L. ShuNong, L. Effect of melanoma vaccine transfected by Antisense
IGF-I gene on the anti-metastasis activity.
J Microbiol and Immunol(Chinese) 1997;17(5):373
4.Zhang, L. ShuNong, L. The reseach of antisense IGF-I gene against mice B16
melanoma. Immunol J(Chinese) 1997;13(4):235
5.Zhang, L. ShuNong, L. The effect of antisense IGF-I gene transfer on the
expression of MHC antigens(class I and class II) of tumor cells.
Chinese J Tumor Biotherapy 1996;3(4):260
6.Zhang, L. Wang, J. The effect of T cell vaccination against=
allotransplation reaction.
Immunol J(Chinese) 1997;13(2): 85
7.Zhang, L. Zhao, MingLun. The effect of cytokines on CNE-Z and Raji=
J Chinese Immunol 1994;10(6):336
8.Zhang, L. Zhao, MingLun. The effect of Epstein-Barr virus induced=
IL-2=A1=A2TNF and
IFN in NPC patients and IgA/VCA positive individuals.
J Chinese Immunol 1993;9(supplement):181
9.Zhang, L. Zhao, MingLun. The effect of Epstein-Barr virus induced =20
supernatants of peripheral blood mononuclear cells from NPC patients=20
and IgA/VCA positive individuals on CNE-2Z and RAJI cells.
J Chinese Immunol 1993;9(supplement):186
10. Zhang, L. Effect of salt-partition moxibustion at shenque on spontanous=
metastasis from Uterine Cervix cancer U14 in mice. WFAS International
Symposium on the Trend of Research in Acupuncture, Rome, 22-24 October=
11. Zhang, L.CM-Pachymaran on the effect of spontaneous lung metastasis from
urerine cervix cancer U14 in mice. J First Milit Med=
12. Zhang, L. The improvement of nonspecial esterase stain methods of
macrophages. J First Milit Med Univ 1988;8(4):353
13. Jiang, S., Zhang, L. and Li, W. The antigen binding cells in spleen of
tumor-bearing mouse. Cancer(Chinese) 1985;1:14-20
14. Jiang, S., Zhang, L. and Li, W. The reaction of Ehrlich ascites
carcinoma-bearing host to thymus-independent antigen.
Shanghai J Immunol. 1984;4:283-286
1. Li, ShuNong, M.D., Ph.D., Professor, Director, Department of=
SUN YAT-SEN University of Medical Sciences, GuangZhou, China. 510089
Tel: 0086-020-87778223-3158(or 2398)
2. FuNing, M.D., Professor, Director, Department of Immunology, The First=
Medical University,GuangZhou, China. 510515
Tel: 0086-020-87705370-48797
3. Li, Wenjian, M.D., Professor, Department of Immunology, The First=
Medical University, GuangZhou, China. 510515
Tel: 0086-020-87705370-48482