postdoc/research associate positions

karen norris kan1 at VMS.CIS.PITT.EDU
Wed Jan 14 09:38:25 EST 1998

Postdoctoral opportunity is available to study molecular mechanisms of
immune evasion by microbial pathogens, with emphasis on Trypanosoma cruzi.
Projects include molecular analysis of virulence factors, prokaryotic and
eukaryotic gene expression systems, molecular modeling of membrane proteins
involved in immune evasion, use of combinatorial peptide and immunoglobulin
libraries for the generation of immunotherapeutic reagents, DNA vaccines,
bacterial antigen delivery systems as vaccine vehicles, characterization of
the host response to vaccine candidates.  Forward cv, summary of research
interests, and names of three references to  Karen Norris, Ph.D.,
Department of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry, University of
Pittsburgh, E1240 BST, Pittsbugh, PA 15261.  Fax: (412) 624-1401, email:
kan1 at vms.cis.pitt.edu, website:

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