Human TNFa-deficient monocyte/macrophage cell lines availible?

Dirk Seegert seegert at ita.fhg.de
Thu Jan 15 19:55:11 EST 1998

Hi there,

I'm searching for a TNFa- deficient human monocyte or macrophage cell
line to test some of my TNFa constructs for their IFNg responsiveness.

Is anybody there who posseses such cells or knows someone else who

Thanks in advance

Dirk Seegert, Ph.D.
Fraunhofer Institute Hannover
Nikolai-Fuchs-Str. 1
D-30625 Hannover
phone: +49 511 5350 262 or 292
email: dseegert at aol.com 
       or seegert at ita.fhg.de
Dirk Seegert, Ph.D.
Fraunhofer Institute Hannover
seegert at ita.fhg.de or
dseegert at aol.com

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