Who makes MACS columns?

Ian A. York iayork at panix.com
Fri Jan 16 09:57:35 EST 1998

In article <69m4ee$lhs at maze.dpo.uab.edu>, David N. Levy <levy at uab.edu> wrote:
>What company makes the MACS (Magnetic cell sorting) magnetic beads cell
>purification columns?  Thanks.

Miltenyi Biotec Inc.
251 Auburn Ravine Rd
Suite 208
Auburn CA 95603

Phone 916-888-8871
FAX 916-888-8925

    Ian York   (iayork at panix.com)  <http://www.panix.com/~iayork/>
    "-but as he was a York, I am rather inclined to suppose him a
     very respectable Man." -Jane Austen, The History of England

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