Magnetic Carriers Meeting - CALL FOR ABSTRACTS

Urs Hafeli hafeliu at cesmtp.ccf.org
Fri Jan 16 16:25:23 EST 1998

The upcoming  
                   SECOND International Conference on the 
        Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers 
                  May 28-30, 1998 in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. 

will discuss all aspects of magnetic microspheres and ferrofluids. 

* Preparation and analysis of magnetic microspheres made from all kinds of
materials such as polymers, ceramic, biomaterials, biodegradables,
including fluorescent ones.
* Applications covered are molecular biology, in vitro diagnostics, as
contrast agents in MR imaging, for stem cell separation, for magnetic drug
delivery, toxic metal removal, magnetic cell sorting and magnetic particle
motion analysis.
* Special talks:  Magnetic Space Shuttle Experiments (P. Todd), Magnetic
Neurosurgery (R. Ritter).

If interested, please e-mail (or call), and a program will be sent to you
shortly. More information is available on our internet site.

           The SECOND International Conference on the
    Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers
                  Cleveland, OH, U.S.A., May 28-30, 1998

e-mail: hafeliu at cesmtp.ccf.org
Urs Hafeli  (216) 444-2174

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