
ptherapy at olympus.net ptherapy at olympus.net
Wed Jan 21 00:11:46 EST 1998

I am a practicing physical therapist in Port Townsend, WA.  I have a
family friend that has been  diagnosed by traditional M.D.'s as having
Parkinson's disease.  The strange thing is that the tremor onset was
acute and occurred after being exposed to formaldahyde treated plants in
a closed environment after three days.	She was reportedly fine before
this.  In adition she has a husband who is a metal fabricator that
specializes in work with aluminum and stainless steel.	This requires a
great deal of exposure through his clothing, skin etc...  to solvents and
minute fragments of metal. She has not responded to typical Parkinsons Rx
of dopamine substitutes.  Can you suggest an avenue of investigation. 
One additional note, she was also exposed to a "bug bomb" of pesticide
about two years before sx onset.  No imagry has been done on the CNS. 
Thank you for your help

Ronald W Babcock, PT
Director/ Owner Port Townsend Physical Therapy
Port Townsend, Wa

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