Rapidity in immunological responses (cours de Teminale S)

Claire Elise Claire_Elise at Printel.ca
Thu Jan 22 14:51:31 EST 1998

Does the time in the immunological response to an antigene intruding for 
the first time in an organism vary from species to species (or from 
breed to breed of a species), or is there some kind of a "fixed" 
biological time of response? I am referring to the speed in the specific 
responses of LT4, LT8 and LB cells to an intruding antigene.

Any information is greatly appreciated.
Claire Elise

(Sorry if my question is clumsily formulated, but I study biology in 
French and have no idea whatsoever of how to translate the scientific 
jargon... :) Please correct me if I'm making mistakes.

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