In article <6a50d0$p1r at>, "as above at" <> wrote:
> Hi all,
>> I was reading an immunology book about the sensitivity of Haemopoietic
> /immune cells to steroids, so I did a BIDS and a Medline search for
> Cyto. P450's and haemopoeisis and Lymphopoiesis and drew a blank with
> both.
>> However I know that a Cyto.P450 is expressed in CNS glial cells, that is
> specific for pregnolone and has DHEA activity. Anybody know if any of
> the steroid dehydrogenases/MFO etc are expressed in adult NK,
> Macrophages lymphocytes, neutrophils or erthrocytes. Even in the bone
> marrow would be useful.
>> Some references would go down a treat as there must be something out
> there.
>> In my reference file I could only find one relevant?? reference:
Lutton, J. D., Levere, R. D., Abraham, N. G. (1991), Physiologic Role of
Heme and Cytochrome-P-450 in Hematopoietic Cells, Proceedings of the
Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine , 196: 260-269.
Patrick Dansette