Graduate Fellowships

Ron Etter etter at umbsky.cc.umb.edu
Fri Jan 30 10:09:15 EST 1998

	Boston, home of the worlds oldest commissioned ship, the USS 
CONSTITUTION, is also the home of the urban campus of the 
University of Massachusetts. The Biology Department of the 
University of Massachusetts-Boston has MS and Ph.D. graduate 
programs for students interested in Cellular and Molecular Biology 
and Biochemistry. Our faculty have active research programs that 
provide research opportunities for students to earn an MS degree 
in Biology or Biotechnology, or the Ph.D. in Environmental 
Biology. The research interests of the faculty are varied, and 
encompass procaryotes, animals, plants, and insects. 

	Graduate stipends and tuition waivers are available to 
students in the program.   In addition to their thesis or 
dissertation research, students complete a specific core 
curriculum of graduate courses. The core curriculum is designed to 
provide theoretical and practical knowledge to enable the student 
to develop into an independent researcher. Elective courses 
further enhance the students background; these courses can be 
selected from the wide variety of Biology courses, as well as 
appropriate courses from other Departments. The Ph.D. degree 
requires a research dissertation conducted in one of our research 
laboratories, while the MS degree has thesis, non-thesis, and 
research internship options. There are also collaborative research 
projects between faculty to accommodate students who have 
interests spanning several fields of research interest.

	Our campus is located on Boston Harbor, with one of the most 
scenic views in the city. We are 10 min from the heart of the city 
and other universities. Direct public transportation to the campus 
is also accompanied by the university shuttle service. Extensive 
university parking facilities are also available. We are walking 
distance to the JFK Library and the State Archives.

	We invite all qualified individuals to request further 
information or to apply to one of our programs. 
	The participating faculty include:

Steven Ackerman (Biology)	Transcription in plants and animals
Kamaljit Bawa (Biology)		Plant genetics and evolution
Gregory Beck (Biology)		Insect immunology
Kenneth Campbell (Biology)	Reproductive endocrinology
Robert Chen (Env. Sciences)	Geochemistry
Elizabeth Davis (Biology)	Plant developmental biology
Joseph Gindhart (Biology)	Drosophila intracellular transport
William Hagar (Biology)		Photosynthesis
Richard Kesseli (Biology)	Plant population genetics
Kenneth Kleene (Biology)	Animal developmental biology 
Andrea Novicki (Biology)	Neurobiology
Michael Shiaris (Biology)	Microbial degradation of organic 
Rachel Skvirsky (Biology)	Extracellular secretion in bacteria
Manickam Sugumaran (Biology)	Protein chemistry and enzymology
Robert Stevenson (Biology)	Animal physiology
Richard White (Biology)		Vision physiology
Garrison Wilkes (Biology)	Plant genetics

For more information and application forms, please contact:

Jan Heatley, Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Biology
University of Massachusetts Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA  02125
617-287-6600 phone / 617-287-6650 fax
email:  heatley at umbsky.cc.umb.edu
web page: http://www.bio.umb.edu

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