Alamarblue proliferation assay ?

Jens Rainer Hansen jens.rainer at leo.dk
Thu Jun 18 07:28:06 EST 1998

I have used 20 mcl alamarblue, 5x10**5 cels/ml, 200 mcl cellsusp.(human
lymphocytes - PHA stimulated). The cells were preincubated for 48 hours and
the alamarblue added hereafter and meassured at 570 and 600 nm after 2, 4,
6 and 24 hours on a microtiterplate reader.

No significant difference was seen between the PHA stimulated and the basal
The assay is functioning with 3-h thymidine.

I would be greatfull if you have any coments concerning using alamarblue .

Yours Jens R. Hansen

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