"Conditioning"--IL-1 et al.

Hao Chen chenhao at pilot.msu.edu
Fri Jun 19 10:56:38 EST 1998

F. Frank LeFever wrote:
Pavlovian conditioning of immune response is the ongoing research in
several labs in the US as far as I know. They are Robert Ader and
Nicholas Cohen from University of Rochester, Donald Lysle from
University of North Carolina, and also Raymond Hiramoto from University
of Alabama at Birmingham. 

check out my psychoneuroimmunology link page at 


Hao Chen

> >In <6ldaa6$ahc at dfw-ixnews9.ix.netcom.com> flefever at ix.netcom.com(F.
> >Frank LeFever) writes:
> >>
> >>There are many demonstrations of "conditioning" in the sense of acute
> >>changes in reactions of one or the other system after some treatment
> >or other (e.g. reaction to hypoxia an hour or so after mechanical
> brain
> >>trauma, or vice versa).
> >>
> >>I am not interested in these.
> >>
> >>I am looking for LONG-TERM "conditioning"--on the order of Pavlovian
> >>conditioning or on the order of immnological "conditioning" (e.g.
> >>specific antigen recognition, etc.).
> >>
> >>For example: IL-1 production can be increased by various
> manipulations
> >>(e.g. brain trauma, hypoxia, LPS exposure, etc.); does a REMOTE
> >history of this  (e.g. at LEAST a few weeks prior) influence
> subsequent
> >IL-1 responses?  e.g. influence on threshold for stimulation, on
> >latency of response, on rate of production, on co-production of (e.g.)
> >IL-1a (endogenous competitive ligand), or--?
> >>
> >>Interested in brain but surely info from anyplace else (ovarian
> >tissue, gut, heart, liver, whtever) could be useful.
> >>
> >>Not ONLY IL-1--what about TNF? NO? and (beond this realm) NGF et al.?
> >>
> >>re Pavlovian conditioning: 1987 paper on conditioning of mast cell
> >>response (MacQueen) much cited, but don't know if actually replicated
> >>or extended...
> >>
> >>Post to bionet.immunology OR email me direct OR (if longer
> >>communication, reprint, etc.): FAX (914) 786-4978 (att: LeFever)
> >>
> >>MAIL:   F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
> >>        Helen Hayes Hospital
> >>        West Haverstraw, NY 10993, USA
> >>
> >

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