staining Drosophila S2 cell nuclei

Hassan Bousbaa mop56103 at mail.telepac.pt
Fri Jun 19 17:24:59 EST 1998

I was surprised when you said that propidium iodide (PI) does not stain
nuclei of S2 cells at all. do you treat your cells (on coverslips) with 10
mg/ml of RNaseA for 30 min at room temperature before counterstaining the
nuclei with PI? Otherwise, use methyl green.
If you are using S2 cells for immunostaining, please email me and I will be
very glad to send you the protocol.
good luck
Hassan Bousbaa

Toby Lieber <liebert at rockvax.rockefeller.edu> escreveu no artigo
<liebert-1706981520400001 at x.rockefeller.edu>...
> Hi,
> I have been trying to counterstain nuclei of Drosophila S2 cells that
> been fixed in paraformaldehyde. As we don't have a confocal with a UV
> laser the stain has to be either red or green. I have tried propidium
> iodide, which does not stain at all, and SYTOX Green which does stain but
> is very unstable in S2 cell nuclei and does not last over night. Does
> anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Toby
> PS please cc me.

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