T-cell (or mitogen) stimulation tests

Cramoy cramoy at aol.com
Sat Jun 20 00:59:23 EST 1998

I am looking for information on the accuracy, or lack thereof, of T-cell
stimulation tests specifically for the detection of Borrelia burgdorferi
(causal agent in Lyme disease).  I have done a literature search of the
abstracts, but am looking for specific info on 
	1.  Cross-reactivity with other spirochetes (With which spirochetes is it
likely to cross-react?  How frequent is this cross-reactivity, etc.), 
	2.  Does test cross-react with non-spirochetal bacteria, (if so which ones and
any theories on why)? 
	3.  What are estimated numbers for the occurrence of other spirochetes in the
general population?  
	4.  Are there specific antigen tests to rule out infection by other
spirochetes that may cross-react?  And, if so, are these antigen tests anymore
reliable than the ones currently available for Borrelia burgdorferi?  
	5.  What are the chances that a test result more than 3 standard deviations
above the norm for Borrelia burgdorferi is really due to cross-reactivity and
has no significance in diagnosing Lyme disease?  Does the usual meaning of
standard deviations get thrown out the window due to cross-reactivity in this

I would appreciate personal insights from researchers and laboratory personnel
familiar with this topic, literature references that are worth reading in their
entirety rather than as abstracts, references for textbooks or monographs that
will contain detailed information that will help to sort out these questions.

Thank you,

	Carolyn Cramoy, M. S.

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