
Robert Negm negm at caesarsoftware.com
Mon Jun 22 13:09:47 EST 1998

Help! I really need a critical evaluation of a new strain database that
we developed. I would appreciate if anyone out there would download and
evaluate our microbial database, called StrainMan. The program is
designed to improve efficiency in the microbiology laboratory by
organizing detailed information regarding your strain collection. You
can download StrainMan for the Macintosh or Windows from
www.caesarsoftware.com, evaluate it, and post your comments on the
on-line forum, at http://www.caesarsoftware.com/forum_frm.htm. I will
get back to you regarding your comments. Further, I will share your
comments with the development team at Caesar Software LLC, that I worked

with to make this computer program and follow up with the necessary
improvements on the program based on the consenus of critiques.

Thank you in advance for helping me out.


Robert Negm, PhD
Scientfic Advisor,
Caesar Software, LLC
negm at caesarsoftware.com

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