Entry Level Manager

Titus R.Wapato ty_n_dish at email.msn.com
Thu Jun 25 20:18:14 EST 1998

We are working with a client who is considered the “cadillac” of the custom
immunology business.  We are seeking an individual with a minimum of two
years experience in either customer service or immunochemistry.

The individual will interface extensively with customers and manage service
assistants who primary responsibilities will be to coordinate customer
requirements with in house production.

The position will interface with all service departments and key managers.
This is an excellent opportunity for an individual who enjoys working in a
highly creative and people friendly environment.

The position is located in the East Bay area.  Please contact Dish Taylor or
Ty Wapato at 310-394-7858 or E-mail at Ty_n_Dish at msn.com

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