IMGT news

lefranc at ligm.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr lefranc at ligm.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr
Mon Mar 30 03:57:06 EST 1998

Dear Colleague,

I will be very grateful if you accepted to diffuse this accompanying
announcement so that your members be aware of this new and considerable
development of IMGT.
With many thanks for you help.
Best regards.
Yours sincerely.

Marie-Paule Lefranc
IMGT NEWS - January 1998
"Protein display - 3D representation - Sequences analysis"

IMGT, the international ImMunoGeneTics database, announces:

- protein displays of human immunoglobulin and T cell receptor variable
region, IMGT description of mutations and allele alignments (IMGT NEWS -
Août 1997),

- the first 3D representations of antibody and T cell receptor variable
regions, based on the IMGT unique numbering defined by Marie-Paule Lefranc
(IMGT NEWS - Mars 1997),

- IMGT/DNAPLOT for the analysis of human immunoglobulin and T cell receptor
rearranged sequences and for the subgroup identification of the mouse IGHV

IMGT is freely accessible at http://imgt.cnusc.fr:8104

Flash on IMGT:
> 24 000 Ig and TcR sequences of 81 species
> 17 000 sites connected since 1st of january 96
> 2 500 requests a week

Initiateur et coordinateur de IMGT :
Prof. Marie-Paule Lefranc
Laboratoire d'ImmunoGénétique Moléculaire, LIGM
UMR 5535 (CNRS - Université Montpellier II)
1919 route de Mende
34293 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France
Tél. : +33 (0)4 67 61 36 34 - Fax : +33 (0)4 67 04 02 31
lefranc at ligm.crbm.cnrs-mop.fr

IMGT references :
Lefranc M.-P., Immunology Today, 18, 509 (1997)
Lefranc M.-P. et al., Nucleic Acids Research, 26, 297-303 (1998)

Laboratoire d'ImmunoGenetique Moleculaire, LIGM
UMR 5535 (CNRS, Universite Montpellier II)
1919 route de Mende
34293 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France
Tel: +33 (0)4 67 61 36 34 - Fax: +33 (0)4 67 04 02 31/45

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