Pneumococcal antibody levels for children under 4

Michelle Sidders msidders at bellsouth.net
Thu Nov 26 01:04:34 EST 1998

Hello, This may or may not help. At age 5 my sons pneumococcal antibody
panels were done. Although its been two years now I can't remember if these
results were before or after a pneumococcal vaccine. But here goes straight
from the lab work:
pneumo polysaccharide
antibody panel
polysaccharide 4        <0.1
polysaccharide 6b        <0.1
polysaccharide 14        <0.1
polysaccharide 18c     <0.3
polysaccharide 19f        <0.3
polysaccharide 23f        0.5
All stated in normal range with this see note beside all.
    Interpretation of type-specific IGG antibody response to pneumococcal
polysaccharide immunization should be based on correlation between pre- and
post- vaccination sera. Postvaccination serum should be obtained thirty to
forty-five (30-45) days after pneumococcal immunization. Although protective
antibody levels for pneumococcal serotypes are not fully defined, someone is
generally regarded as a responder if their postvaccination type-specific
antibody levels are >2.0 mcg/ml and if there has been a twofold or greater
increase in their antibody levels. However, a response to vaccination may
not occur in those individuals with high prevaccination type-specific
antibody levels. Although, not all normal persons are expected to respond to
all antigens. Nonresponders are not expected to respond to any of the
antigens. An individual is best considered a nonresponder to serotypes
tested if post vaccination antibody levels are <2.0 mcg/ml.

Sorry its so long but maybe it will help. I'm almost positive now that I've
typed all this this was a post work up after he received the pneumococcal
vaccine. Again this was two years ago but he just turned 5 at the time.

Randy T. Fischer wrote in message <364CA883.B5B335CE at vax.grc.nia.nih.gov>...
>I too would be interested in those values. Please let me know what you
>find out.
>Randy Fischer
>Mark Lishman wrote:
>> I am trying to determine the normal pneumococcal antibody levels for
>> children under four years old. If anybody can provide me with these
>> figures I would be most grateful.
>> --
>> Mark Lishman

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