Assistance required from anyone in the UK

c21.design at net.ntl.com c21.design at net.ntl.com
Tue Aug 10 19:45:37 EST 1999

Hello, people . . .
Has anyone in the UK tried Totalserve free access because Ive been asked to market it and I'd never heard of it before. Its new but I would like some feedback about it as I don't want to add a naff service to my range!! Me and a few people I know have tried it and it seems either very stable and fast or completely unable to connect depending what hardware you use!!!! 
If there is anyone who isn't on it who wants to give it a whirl and give some feedback I'd be grateful, you can access it through my site at http://www.puk.co.uk you can hook up direct from there without a disc.
You can either reply to this with feedback or email me at web at puk.co.uk

Many thanks for any assistance you can provide
Adrian Paris
21st Century UK Internet and Telecoms Services
web at puk.co.uk

I appolagise if this is a repost, my program crashed last time . . .

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