Can anyone give me some information on Neutropenia (last ANC was 621 but has
been down to 348 in the past)? My son who is 15 months old has several
problems to include CP, eyes, hearing, hydrocephalus with 2 shunts and
hypogammaglobulinemia (gets IVIG every 3 weeks). At our last infusion on
Monday, his allergist/immunologist told me his was neutropenic and she said
it is probably cyclic and left it at that. I know that it is not a good
thing for I am on a PID list and several moms on it have children with
neutropenia, so I came home and called our ped. and requested a consult to a
hemotologist which is going through now. What can I expect at the visit
when we get the consult from our insurance company? Are there any questions
I should be asking? Are there any precautions that I should be taking until
Thanks for any information!!