Viral Origins

Jason Merrique abraxus at dds.nl
Thu Feb 4 16:33:47 EST 1999

I heard of a theory a while back that stated that Virusses could have first
evolved as part of another species and then later developed as separate
"self replicating"(?) entities (?). Is this theory based on any kind of
substantial evidence? And if it is, which species might they have developed
as part of? And is it possible that modern (multi cellular, higher) animals
can have evolved to produce virusses (self propagating or otherwise?
I use the phrases self replicating and self propagating definetly for want
of a better word......

I must tell you that I'm an upper sixth A-level student (pre university) and
am probably out of my depth here. I was just very intrigued by the theory,
and wanted to find out more. So please don't ridicule me for my ignorance :]

Any information would be brilliant, thanks in advanced :]

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