AP Pontis - The Heart of the Asia Pacific Biotechnology Industry
Announcing a new FREE online service <http://www.ap-pontis.com>
We are an independent online service having a mission to promote
biotechnology research in the Asia Pacific region. It is absolutely
FREE! Make it your indispensible tool; become part of it!
##### Featured content:- #####
<PontisMatching Collaboration>
Looking for a research collaborator? Applying for research funding?
We offer this unique service to match research supply and demand.
<Pontis JobMarket>
A comprehensive listing of biotechnology jobs available in the Asia
Pacific region. Employment advertisements are welcome.
<Pontis MarketNews>
Announcing regional market and business news on the biotechnology
industry. A must-see!
<Tips and Links>
Various links to online research tools, career websites, business tips,
companies, institutions and scientists, information on events, patents,
science, health and more!
Come and visit AP Pontis today!
##### Highlights #####
* Gene-based therapeutics company actively seeking partnerships with
pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies.
* Chinese drug research institute invites investment in newly patented
anti-cancer drug.
* University developed cold resistant grape.
* Group leader (biochemist/molecular pharmacologist) in Singapore.
* Product specialists required in a leading pharmaceutical company,
* Technology analyst(s) in a technology information programme, China.
* S$80 Million New Facility to Enhance Glaxo Wellcome's Capabilities of
Manufacturing New Generation Medicines in Singapore.
* Glaxo Wellcome & AMRAD ICT Form Alliance to Treat Hepatitis B.
* New System for DNA Chip Technology.
* AMRAD and Ludwig Institute Allied with Baxter Healthcare to develop
new therapy for ischaemic heart disease.