Immune Response

mark mark.haynes at mail.tju.edu
Mon Mar 15 20:20:06 EST 1999

Ralph L. Samson wrote:
> Based on responses to insect bites and to strong vaccines, it seems that
> when the immune system is being boosted by maintaining a good level of
> Vitamin C in serum prior to and during the response, the response is localized
> to the immediate vicinity of the attack (bite or needle injection) and a
> systemic reaction is prevented.  However, the localized response seems to
> almost consistently take about three or four days to complete.  During
> this time the localized area may ache, may swell, may turn red and may be
> warm.  Is there anything special about this amount of time?
> Regards, Ralph L. Samson

That sounds like ruber tumor calor dalor.
and no it just takes that long.

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