Hi all,
I hoping someone out there maybe able to give me some ideas. I
am currently making antibodies to a protein which has high levels of
glycosylation. I have made several mAbs now to the glycosylated
section but want to make some to the non-glycosylated section. It
appears that the glycosylated section is immunodominant. I was
thinking of using sodium periodate to remove the glycosylation and
hopefully expose the other antigens (and get mabs to them) but if
anyone has any other ideas/suggestions it would be greatly
Thanks in advance
Chris Weir
Australian Envirionmental Flow Cytometry Group
School of Biological Sciences
Macquarie University
Sydney, NSW, 2109
ph 61 2 9850 8150
fax 61 2 98508253
email: cweir at rna.bio.mq.edu au