DNA Vaccine

at pop.vub.ac.be at pop.vub.ac.be
Fri May 7 07:11:20 EST 1999

Hello All,

with respect to the DNA vaccination , it has been recommended the usage
of intra-dermal immunization rather than intra-muscular one ;that is due
to the presence of the most proffesional APCs in the skin like
Langerhans, Macrophage, and keratinocytes , but in case of muscle
tissues they lack the co-stimulatory signal, though they develop
noticeable immune response as I noticed in my work , they are saying
that these muscle cells they deliver the DNA plasmid to the APC in a
certain mechanism which it is not known. That is as far as I know, could
you please correct me if I am wrong, and how far any of you know about
the mechanism of plasmid delivery from muscle tissue to APCs, and what
is the way you prefer for DNA Vaccine delivery if you work in this field
and why?

Please don't hesistae to e-mail me at any time ,

Hatem Zayed
e-mail: ihatemza at hotmail.com
Postal address:-
Avenue Des volontaires 13
1160 Brussels, Belgium.

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