In <7id15h$o36 at> flefever at
Frank LeFever) writes:
>>Yes, I will consider looking at that article.
>>Meanwhile, I will take some of what you assert about mechanisms of
>weight gain in SAD and other contexts with a grain of salt. Ditto
>theory of depression. Conceivably increased serotonin evokes a
>compensatory increase in dopamine which indeed overshoots and
>overcompensates; or do you have another explanation for the
>antidepressant efficacy of serotonin "uptake" blockers? (As I
>understand it, they block "RE-uptake", allowing greater or longer
>action of serotonin).
>>In any case, I was NOT asking for explanations of weight gain in
>winter; I was asking for data on AMOUNT of weight gain in normal
>>Beyond that, I would like data on TYPE of weight gain: is it indeed
>only fluid accumulation, as you imply? Are there data on relative
>contributions of fluid accumulation and fat formation, etc.?
>>By the way: why is this appearing only in bionet.immunology? I
>I had cross-posted the query to several groups more likely to have the
>right readers than this one?
>>F. LeFever
>>>>>In <3748D6CA.6D3BADCF at> "Pietr Hitzig, M.D."
><phitzig1 at> writes:
>>>>"F. Frank LeFever" wrote:
>>>>> If you know better newsgroups to send this query to, please tell
>>> Although the quality of postings in a couple of these I'm posting
>>> now has deteriorated badly in recent weeks (months?), truly
>>> knowledgeable people have in the past offered good information and
>>> expert opinion, and they may still be lurking in the wings.
>>>>>> Like many other animals, humans are said to gain weight in the
>>> lose it in the summer.
>>>>>> Does anybody out there know of systematic, quantitative studies of
>>> seasonal weight changes in humans?
>>>>>> If broken down by age, sex, etc., it would be nice; but even some
>>> "average" of winter vs. summer weights would be helpful.
>>>>>> Too much to ask for, but I'll ask anyway: besides AMOUNT of winter
>>> weight gain, any good data on nature of weight gain, i.e. winter
>>> summer body composition, fat or muscle vs. water retention, etc.??
>>>>>> F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
>>> New York Neuropsychology Group
>>>>Dear Frank,
>>>>The NGroups aren't what they used to be when we were young:-)
>>>>I may be stating the obvious, so I will be brief. SADS (winter
>>weight gain at time of PMS, evening fatigue, and the increase of pain
>>the clouds block the sun arise from a simple teleologically logical
>>The decrease of photons hitting the retina at such times permit the
>>increase of melatonin. Melatonin being a dopamine antagonist, when
>>increased, suppresses dopamine. The decrease of dopamine causes
>>symptoms including increased hunger, depression, and even suppression
>>TH1 cytokines.
>>>>With the decrease of dopamine, serotonin comes to the foreground.
>>relative excess leads to increased edema.
>>>>The phenotypic expression of these variables depends on the genotype
>>the environment.
>>>>References or discussion anytime. Just remember, it is DA deficiency,
>>relative to serotonin, that is the underpinnings of depression and
>>and somatic as well as neuropathic pain.
>>>>Please consider looking at, especially the article to
>>>>Pietr Hitzig, MD
>><font color="#0000FF">Pietr Hitzig, M.D.</font> <br>
>><font color="#FF0000"><b>4863 Bella Pacific Row, Suite 147<br>
>></font></b>San Diego, California, 92109-8511<br>
>><a href=""eudora="autourl"></a><br>
>>PietrHitzig at PHEN4.COM<br>
>> 619.274.5910<br>