Vacancy - Postdoctoral Fellow

Chew Fook Tim paecft at nus.edu.sg
Fri May 28 00:13:14 EST 1999

Vacancy - Postdoctoral Fellow

The Pediatric Renal and Transplant Immunology Laboratory, National
University of Singapore is actively involved in the following areas of

1.	Immunopathogenesis of glomerulonephritis
2.	Transplant immunology

We are looking for a Postdoctoral Fellow with experience in one of the
above areas to join our team.

Selected recent publications of the group includes:
*	Yap HK, et al. Th1 and Th2 cytokine mRNA profiles in childhood
nephrotic syndrome: evidence for increased IL-13 mRNA expression in
relapse. J Am Soc Nephrol. 1999; 10: 529-37.
*	Yap HK, et al. Immunosuppressive effect of the hydrophobic
extract of a Chinese herb on rat lung allograft rejection. Transplant
Proc. 1998; 30: 980-1.
*	Yap HK, et al. Subclinical activation of lupus nephritis by
recombinant human growth hormone. Pediatr Nephrol. 1998; 12: 133-5.

The candidates should possess at least a PhD with relevant experience in
one of the above areas and have good working background in molecular

Terms and Conditions
Appointments may be for a duration up to three years. Continued
employment is considered, depending on the merits of the appointee.
Gross annual emoluments ranging from: S$42,000 - 73,300. (Exchange rates
as at January 1999: STG?1 = S$2.78;  A$1 = S$1.05;  US$1 = S$1.68;  C$1
= S$1.12). Settling-in allowance (for overseas candidates), leave
benefits - such as holiday and conference leave, medical benefits, and
passage assistance and baggage allowance on appointment will be

Candidates should submit their applications, together with their
curriculum vitae, and publication list to:

Associate Professor Yap Hui Kim
Department of Paediatrics
Lower Kent Ridge Road
Singapore 119074
Phone: (65) 772 4420
Fax: (65) 779 7486
E-mail: paeyaphk at nus.edu.sg

Closing date: Until the position is filled.

Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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