Chair in Cancer Research

Hoyun Lee hoyunlee at sprint.ca
Sat Nov 6 19:50:07 EST 1999

Chair in Cancer Research

A consortium consisting of Laurentian University (LU) the Northeastern
Ontario Regional Cancer Centre (NEORCC and the Hôpital régional de Sudbury
Regional Hospital (HRSRH) invites applications for a newly created Chair in
Cancer Research. The successful applicant will have an outstanding record in
an area related to the molecular biology of cancer and be recognized
internationally as a leader in this field of research.
The Chair will hold a senior, tenured faculty appointment in the Department
of Chemistry and Biochemistry at LU and an appointment with NEORCC and
Cancer Care Ontario.

In addition to establishing a research program in the molecular biology of
cancer, the Chair is expected to work with the members of the consortium:

a) Lead the Tumour Biology group consisting of principal investigators
located at NEORCC and LU.

b) Assume a leadership role in the establishment of a Ph.D. program in
Biomolecular Science at LU utilizing resources and expertise available
within the consortium and the wider community.

Plans are underway to develop an integrated research and clinical molecular
biology laboratory at the HRSRH. The Chair will have an opportunity to
advise the CEO of the HRSRH on the tumour biology related clinical research
and development initiatives in the laboratory.

The consortium is committed to equity in employment and encourages
applications from all qualified candidates including women, aboriginal
peoples, members of visible minorities and persons with disabilities. In
accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, this advertisement is
directed first to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.

Appointment date is negotiable.

For further information please contact:

Dr. Hermann Falter, Chair
Search Committee for the Chair in Cancer Research
Office of the Vice President, Academic
Laurentian University
Sudbury, Ontario
P3E 2C6
705-675-1151 ext. 3363
email: hfalter at nickel.laurentian.ca

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