Open Archiving: What are researchers willing to do?

Mike Clark mrc7 at cam.ac.uk
Fri Nov 19 06:31:17 EST 1999

In article <383355C3.5C1527DD at home.com>, D Forsdyke
<URL:mailto:forsdyke1 at home.com> wrote:
> Hello Dr. Harnad,
>                  Actually I have been self-archiving with full approval
> of publishing houses at my university site for over a year. Only one
> publishing house has been a problem, Elsevier, and it says it is now
> reconsidering the matter. 
>                  However, there may be more out there like Elsevier.
> Authors should, BEFORE submitting a paper for publication, determine
> what the publisher's policy is in this respect. 
>                  It would be a great service to authors if someone would
> provide an easily accessible list of publishers who will permit
> self-archiving with minimal strings attached (i.e. acknowledgement that
> such permission has been given).
> Sincerely,
> Donald Forsdyke. Discussion Leader, Bionet.journals.note
> http://post.queensu.ca/~forsdyke/peerrev.htm

Interesting that you say this. Unfortunately Elsevier are now big players
in the field of 'biology publishing', owning many journals inluding the
Trends series, The Lancet, and also the online services such as BioMedNet
and HMS Beagle. If they take a different stance to other publishers it will
have a significant impact.

Mike Clark,                        <URL:http://www.path.cam.ac.uk/~mrc7/>
 o/ \\    //            ||  ,_ o   M.R. Clark, PhD. Division of Immunology
<\__,\\  //   __o       || /  /\,  Cambridge University, Dept. Pathology
 ">    ||   _`\<,_    //  \\ \> |  Tennis Court Rd., Cambridge CB2 1QP
  `    ||  (_)/ (_)  //    \\ \_   Tel.+44 1223 333705  Fax.+44 1223 333875

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