detaching T cells from dishes

Andrew Hall andrew.hall at virgin.net
Wed Aug 30 03:33:35 EST 2000

If you are using straight forward cultures then T-cells should not attach to
the plate or flask, simply pipetting the supernatant up and down should
resuspend them in culture. I am aware that people in our lab use cell
scrapers to dislodge adherent cells such as macrophages without to much
trouble. I have no experience of using EDTA or Trypsin to remove adherent
cells though. Hope this helps.


<giordano at u.washington.edu> wrote in message
news:39A5F453.4899FFB at u.washington.edu...
> Hi
> would you have a suggestion on how to rapidly detach cells adhered to
> dishes? by scraping I'm afraid that I might lyse them , trypsin or edta
> might start some signalling?
> thanks
> Valeria
> ---

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