THE FAUCI FILES, Vol 3( 26): HIV Cocktail Warnings Ignored From H.A.A.R.T. to F.A.A.R.T.

fred fredshaw at primenet.com
Tue Feb 1 02:40:27 EST 2000

THE FAUCI FILES, Vol 3( 26): HIV Cocktail Warnings Ignored From
H.A.A.R.T. to F.A.A.R.T.

January 31, 2000

    1996:  H.A.A.R.T. = Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy
    2000:  F.A.A.R.T. = Failed AIDS Accelerating Retroviral Torture

Under the tutelage of NIH/NIAID Dictator-Direktor Dr. Anthony
"Mussolini" Fauci, M.D., the HAART cocktails became the 
"standard of care" in HIV treatment about four years ago. 

Typical of Fauci's "leadership", these drug combinations
have neither been "standard" nor much in the way of "care",
and continued to be marketed with false claims despite
the explicit warnings published by leading AIDS researchers and 
immunologists in regards to the harmful and immunosuppressive
nature of these drugs chosen for treating a disease of 
immune suppression.

Jay Levy warned: 

   "These observations strongly suggest that the immune system 
    has either been compromised by the drugs or 'put to rest' 
    by the therapy" (Lancet 1998; 352:982-83).

Giorgi's group warned: 

   "The most significant immunologic effect of combined protease 
    inhibitor and reverse transcriptase inhibitor therapy in our 
    study subjects was reversal of immune activation" (AIDS 1998, 

Zinkernagel's group warned: 

   "Thus, the surprising ability of ritonavir to block the 
    presentation of antigen to CTLs may possibly contribute to 
    therapy of HIV infections but potentially also to the 
    therapy of virally induced immunopathology, autoimmune 
    diseases, and transplantation reactions" (PNAS 1998; 

    It has been "agreed," that CD8 CTLs are critical for 
    controlling HIV. It has also been shown that HAART 
    suppresses the various cytokines critical for activation 
    of CTLs and their homing/migration to the periphery 
    (AIDS 1998, 12:F123-F129; Journal of Infectious 
    Diseases 1997, 176:1175-1179).

Ullum et al. (AN Phillips was a co-author) warned: 

   "Low levels of IFN-gamma production were associated with an 
    increased  risk of experiencing a CD4 count below 100 cells/m3 
    and death, analyzed in both univariate analysis and in 
    multivariate analysis adjusting for CD4 counts and age. 
    Thus, changes in production of IFN-gamma seem to be truly 
    related to the risk for disease progression in HIV infection" 
    (AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1997, 13:1039-46). 

Andersson et al. (Landay's group) warned of HAART-induced suppression
of IFN-gamma: 

   "HIV-infected tonsil tissue was characterised by extensive 
    proinflammatory and type 1 cytokine expression. A five- to 15-fold 
    elevation of (IL)-1a, IL-12, IL-2, and interferon (IFN)-gamma 
    protein expression was found compared to controls, and each 
    encompassed a mean of at least 4.5% of the tissue compartment. 
    This was reduced by 20-90% in all individuals after 4 weeks of 
    HAART" (AIDS 1998, 12:F123-F129).

One might consider that you can't have it both ways. If IFN-
gamma is critical for survival and HAART suppresses/changes 
production of IFN-gamma in the very important lymphoid 
tissues, then it would be counterintuitive to believe that 
HAART increases survival. 

As shown by Levy, Giorgi and Zinkernagel, HAART is 
suppressing the immune response thereby suppressing 
proliferation of HIV-infected T cells. This has been 
substantiated by the almost immediate rebound of plasma 
viremia when HAART use is terminated.


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