Help with project?

Brian Foley btf at lanl.gov
Tue Feb 1 10:45:26 EST 2000

Deano wrote:
> ...I'm doing a project on antigenic 
> shift & antigenic drift in the HIV virus and the influenza 
> viruses.  I would be very grateful if anyone could recommend 
> any texts or journals that deal with any if these areas. 
> Also any links to web-sites that may have useful would also 
> be appreciated...

try http://influenza.lanl.gov  (must use netscape 4.01 or
higher) for influenza sequence data and information.

http://hiv.lanl.gov/ for human immunodeficiency virus
sequence data and information.

|Brian T. Foley               btf at t10.lanl.gov                 |
|HIV Database                 (505) 665-1970                   |
|Los Alamos National Lab      http://hiv-web.lanl.gov/         |
|Los Alamos, NM 87544  U.S.A.                                  |

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