Questions regarding research on HIV

D Forsdyke forsdyke1 at home.com
Mon Feb 7 20:25:32 EST 2000

Robert Tschiemer wrote:
 I am
> currently writing a term paper about HIV and AIDS, which is part of that
> practical training. As for my studies I need to get some information on
> current research regarding HIV and AIDS.
> I would appreciate it if someone responded to some or all of the following
> questions:
> Question #1: What methods of medical treatment do exist? (e.g. prophylactic
> measures, treatment using different drugs at the same time)
> Question #2: How efficient are common drugs and ways of treatment?
> Question #3: Can you name some drugs and give a short description of their
> purpose (e.g. inhibition of reverse transcriptase)?
> Question #4: Can you name some diseases that may occur in connection to
> an infection by the HIV? What is the reason of their occurrence?
> Question #5: How high would you estimate the chance of survival of a patient,
> relating to his age, sex and the duration of the infection by HIV?
> Question #6: How does one prove HIV infection?
> Question #7: What is the procedure of doing research on new vaccines and
> drugs against HIV?
> Question #8: What are your future prospects regarding research and treatment
> of HIV and AIDS?
> Question #9 (optional): Can you give your name and a short summary of your
> work? (For the purpose of reference)

      Although it will not answer all your questions, you will find much
on AIDS research at my web-site below.

Donald Forsdyke, Discussion Leader. Bionet.immunology

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